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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe. Peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and messengers. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and upon his family and companions. He has been very, very peaceful. From now on, my brothers and sisters, Allah SWT said about this month of Ramadan, O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous, so that you may become people of Taqwa. I remind myself and you that all Ibadat, all acts of worship are not for themselves. They are tools, they are ways for the purpose, the sole purpose of attaining and earning the Rida of Allah, the acceptance of Allah, the pleasure of Allah SWT. Every Ibadah leads to that. Same result and same goal for every action of worship. Every action of worship is for that purpose, it is not for itself. For example, about the Salah, Allah SWT said, Inna Salata Tanha Anil Fahshai War Munkar. Allah said, Verily the Salah separates you from Fahushait and Munkarat, from all forms of shamelessness, all forms of disobedience and all forms of rebelliousness and disobedience. The purpose of Salah is not Salah itself. We don’t pray for the sake of prayer. We pray so that Allah SWT purifies us, separates us from all kinds of shameless deeds and Munkarat, all forms of disobedience of Allah SWT and rebelliousness. Similarly, about fasting, as I mentioned to you the Ayat of Surah Al-Bukhara, So that you become people of Taqwa, people who are concerned about earning the pleasure of Allah SWT. The purpose of fasting is there. The reason I am saying this is because when you are doing something for a purpose, you must look at whether this purpose is being achieved or not. You go to the gym to develop your body, to develop your strength, to change the shape of your body from being spherical to being, you know, looking like a healthy human being. You measure that. You measure your muscle, the ability to lift weights. You measure your muscle strength. You measure your muscle mass and so on and so forth. Similarly for other things. If you are going towards some destination, when you are traveling, you say, well, how many miles more to go? Means there is a destination, that destination, there is a distance, I have traveled some distance, I have some more to go. The same thing we must apply with regard to our Taqwa. How many miles to go? So what is my level of Taqwa? What was it last year? What was it last month? What is it now? Measure it. And the measurement is very simple. How obedient am I to Allah SWT? How obedient am I to Allah? How obedient am I to Rasulullah SAW? Obedience to Allah SWT orders His Ahkam in the way of Muhammad SAW. We do it the way he did it. This is the meaning of obedience. This is the meaning of being on the path leading to the mercy of Allah SWT. That is why Ramadan comes, to focus on that. And Allah SWT is saying the purpose of Ramadan is to focus on pleasing Allah SWT. I ask Allah SWT to give us good health, to give us time, and above all to give us this intense awareness, this intense awareness that the most important thing for me to do in this month of Ramadan is to maximize the benefit by doing my best to please Allah SWT. And never, never, never do anything which amounts to the disobedience of Allah and the disobedience of His Nabi SAW. Live our lives according to the orders of Allah on the Sunnah of Muhammad and Rasulullah SAW. May Allah bless us all with His mercy.
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