Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #18

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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the most honorable prophets and messengers. We praise the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and upon his family and companions. And he has accepted us in many ways. My brothers and sisters, this brings us to the issue of Qiyam-ul-Lail, which is Tarawih in the case of Ramadan, and it is Tahajjud in the case of the rest of the year. Now Urwa bin Zubair narrated that Aisha Siddiqua told him that Rasulullah used to encourage the people to pray Qiyam in Ramadan without insisting on that. So he didn’t make it further on them, but he used to encourage them to pray Qiyam. And in the Qiyam in Ramadan is Tarawih. He said, Sallallahu alaihi wasallam, whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, whoever prays the nights of Ramadan in prayer, in Salah out of faith, because of faith and in the hope of reward, he will be forgiven his previous sins. Now this is very, very important to understand the same thing. So the same hadith, instead of saying, Man Saam Rabadar, we say, Man Kaam Rabadar, Imanan wa Ahdisaban, Bufirallahu Zamb, Allah SWT will forgive his sins. So Tarawih is very, very important. Another hadith, Abu Hurayr narrated that Rasulullah said, whoever stands in the voluntary night prayer Tarawih of Ramadan out of faith and in hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And Abu Ayyub Al Ansari, Abu Hurayr narrated this hadith and Alhamdulillah, we ask Allah SWT to make us among those who will benefit from this. So don’t fall into the arguments of should you pray 8 rakat or should you pray 20 rakat. The Dahlil for this, Sahabi came to Rasulullah and said, Ya Rasulullah, Qiyam, which is the night prayer which applies to Tarawih, Tahajjud, everything, he said, how should I pray? Rasulullah said, pray 2 by 2. So don’t pray 4 rakat at a time, don’t pray 3 rakat, pray 2 by 2. Rasulullah did not specify how many he should pray. So pray 2 by 2, as many as Allah SWT gives you Tawfiq for as many as you are able to pray. Tahajjud, normally Rasulullah SAW prayed 8 rakat and then he followed that up with 3 rakat of Wither. The duration of his salah, he prayed practically the entire night. The Sahaba used to say that sometimes we thought the sun would rise, meaning the time for Salatul Fajr would come in and he would still be praying Tahajjud. So it is in terms of duration, he was not praying 8 rakat because he was trying to shorten it and go do something else. He was praying, he just happened to pray 8, but it was the whole of the night. Later on, Sayyidina Muhammad SAW, to make it easier on the people, he introduced this 20 rakat. Alhamdulillah, we follow the Nabi SAW, we follow the Khulafa Rasulullah SAW as ordered and commanded by Rasulullah SAW. He said, follow me and follow the Khulafa Rasulullah SAW and that is what we do. And therefore the 20 is for ease because it is much more difficult to stand long periods. So it gives you some relief to go into Ruku and Sujood. So Alhamdulillah, we get to do more Ruku and more Sujood in the 20. Pray 2, pray 4, pray 8, pray 20, pray 10, pray 12, whatever you are able to pray. Pray that with Khushu, pray that with love of Allah SWT, pray that with the hope of Allah SWT’s forgiveness and inshallah Allah will forgive you. Do not create fitna, do not fight with each other, do not argue, don’t become a Mufti-e-Azam for the night. Please stay out of all this Khurafa and all of this is from Shaitan. So the moment somebody opens his mouth to argue about this, say, Salam alaikum, turn around and walk off. Do not get into any arguments about the number of the rakat. You pray as much as you can pray and thank Allah and ask Allah SWT to forgive you and me and we ask Allah to forgive us. And we ask Allah to forgive us.