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What is real education?

The purpose of education is to civilize the individual. To connect the human being to his Creator, so that he recognizes Him, has a relationship with Him, strives to please Him, relies on His Mercy, and looks forward to His Forgiveness. The purpose of education is to give the child ethics, values, and morals which… Continue reading What is real education?

Become a Standard Bearer – Part 2

Allahﷻ gave us a purpose of existence which is given to the highest in any society – to guide and show the way. This is the purpose that we inherited by being the followers of Rasoolullahﷺ – to give to the world. To give mankind a standard by which to live. To give it by… Continue reading Become a Standard Bearer – Part 2

Reviving the miracle

 I was about to title this Khutba – Maintaining the miracle – when I realized that a more truthful title is – Reviving the miracle. Which miracle? The miracle of creating a brotherhood of faith – the Ummah of Muhammadﷺ. I call it the greatest of Rasoolullahﷺ’s achievements because of the incredible challenge that he… Continue reading Reviving the miracle

Allah’s blessing is Rasoolullahﷺ

What is the first thought that comes into your mind when you think of Rasoolullahﷺ? For me it is someone to run to if I need anything. Someone who will intercede for me when I meet Allahﷻ. Someone who I love more than I can say and who I yearn to meet. May Allahﷻ grant… Continue reading Allah’s blessing is Rasoolullahﷺ

Obedience is the result of Yaqeen – part 2

Islam is about knowing Allah. Not just knowing about Allah. But knowing Allah at the deepest, most intimate level of our beings. Last week we spoke about the young Ibrahim asking Allah to show him how He brings the dead back alive. The purpose of the stories is to help us to realize the truth… Continue reading Obedience is the result of Yaqeen – part 2