Prioritizing early is the key to success

US Airways Flight 1549 – 3 things I learned while my plane crashed –

Forgiving is the basis of brotherhood

A mistake is one that is made by mistake (sic) and a crime is one that is done deliberately. A mistake must obviously be forgiven. A crime is culpable but can also be forgiven. This is the peculiarity of Islamic Law that even a crime as serious as murder can simply be forgiven by the… Continue reading Forgiving is the basis of brotherhood

First Who, then What

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Remember that you are only a visitor

‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu a’laihi wa sallam) took hold of his shoulder and said, “Be in the world as if you are a stranger, or a traveler.” Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say, “If you survive to the evening,… Continue reading Remember that you are only a visitor

Alhamdulillahi ala kulli haal

Narrated `Abdullah: The Prophet (ﷺ) drew a square and then drew a line in the middle of it and let it extend outside the square and then drew several small lines attached to that central line, and said, “This is the human being, and this, (the square) in his lease of life, encircles him from… Continue reading Alhamdulillahi ala kulli haal

Wisdom of Luqman (A.S) – Part 19

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Injustice is the worst crime

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قَوَّامِينَ بِالْقِسْطِ شُهَدَاءَ لِلَّـهِ وَلَوْ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَوِ الْوَالِدَيْنِ وَالْأَقْرَبِينَ ۚ إِن يَكُنْ غَنِيًّا أَوْ فَقِيرًا فَاللَّـهُ أَوْلَىٰ بِهِمَا ۖ فَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا الْهَوَىٰ أَن تَعْدِلُوا ۚ وَإِن تَلْوُوا أَوْ تُعْرِضُوا فَإِنَّ اللَّـهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ خَبِيرًا ﴿١٣٥﴾ O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it… Continue reading Injustice is the worst crime

Wisdom of Luqman (A.S) – Part 18

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Kaizen #3, Principles of Kaizen

Ten basic Kaizen principles –   In defense of YET – Opening doors to solutions –