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Category: Unlock your Heart
The heart is the seat of the basis of decision making…emotion plus intellect. But for it to function properly it needs to be alive and responsive. The worst effect of the modern lifestyle is the hardening of the heart, eventually resulting in its spiritual death. That’s the reason that we need to continually remind ourselves about the reality of this life, that one day it will end and we will all be called to account before Allahﷻ.
This reminder is what Rasoolullahﷺ referred to when he said that the most intelligent person is the one who remembers his death most often.
This reminder softens the heart and gives it life, like CPR gets a stopped heart to start beating again. We ask Allahﷻ for His Mercy.
Zikr o dua ki Fazeelat [Urdu]
Halaak karne wale Aamaal [Urdu]
Evaluate your choices
Apnay Taqway ka Jayeza leejiye [Urdu]
Message of the Anbiya
Where are you going?
Islam means justice
Dealing with bereavement
Zindagi ke Maqasid
Living Thoughtfully
Women, Go change the World
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The Criterion came for a reason
Marriages are made on Earth, not Heaven
Bring alive the Sunnah of Shura
Last and Final Call
Istighfar wa Tawba – The most powerful problem solving tool
The Reality of Social Media
Related Links: http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/06/19/facebook-makes-everything-worse/ https://newrepublic.com/article/121551/bot-bubble-click-farms-have-inflated-social-media-currency
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Dealing with Depression
Heart is a mirror
The Arrogant will burn
Principles of Zakat
Paying zakaah in the form of goods instead of cash – https://islamqa.info/en/79337 The basic principle is that zakaah must given in the form of the wealth on which zakaah is being paid, so zakaah on cash must be given in cash, and zakaah on an’aam animals must be given in animals, and zakaah on crops… Continue reading Principles of Zakat
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:23 — 23.2MB) | Embed
Islamic Punishments
Triple Talaq : Part 4 – Solutions to the problem
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Triple Talaq : Part 3 – Why is Triple Talaq valid
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 18:49 — 17.2MB) | Embed
Triple Talaq : Part 2 – Sunnah way of giving Talaq
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 19:57 — 18.3MB) | Embed
Triple Talaq : Part 1 – Introduction to Islamic Marriage in Shariah
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Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 14:11 — 13.0MB) | Embed