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My brothers and sisters Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala in the ayat which I recited before you from surah al-Farqan, described nine qualities of His special slaves, al-Ibad ur-Rahman. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for His help in cultivating these qualities and taking the right exit on the road on which we are travelling so that we will be entitled to the beautiful destination on the road that He, jalla jalaluhu, chose for us. We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala to include us among those who He called al-Ibad ur-Rahman. These nine qualities are as follows. One, those who walk on the earth in humility and dignity and when the foolish address them they say salaam. Two, those who spend the night before their Rabb in sajdah and qiyam. Three, those who say our Rabb a word from us the torment of Jahannam. Verily its torment is ever an inseparable permanent punishment. Number four, those who when they spend are neither extravagant nor stringy but hold a medium way between those extremes. Five, those who do not invoke and do not worship any other god, any other ilah, any other deity along with Allah, either instead of Allah or along with Allah, nor do they kill such life as Allah has forbidden except for just cause and nor do they commit illegal sexual intercourse. Premarital sex and post and extra marital sex in Islam are both haram. Number six, those who repent and believe in Islam and do righteous deeds. Number seven, those who do not witness falsehood and if they pass by some evil play or evil talk, they pass by it with dignity. Eight, those who when they are reminded of the ayat, the signs of the Kalab of Allah, they are not deaf and blind to that. And nine, those who say oh our Rabb bestow upon us from our spouses and our offspring, those who will be the comfort of our eyes and make us leaders for the Muttaqun. To those people Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala said, ˹O˺ laika yujuzawna al-ghurfa ta bima sabaru wa yulaqquna fiha tahiyyatan wa salaamah, khalideena fiha hasunat mustaqarran wa mukama. Those will be rewarded with the highest place in Jannah because of their patience, because of the decisions that they took. Therein they will be met with greetings and word of peace and salaam and respect, abiding therein excellent it is an abode and as a peace and as a place to dwell. I remind myself and you of one salient fundamental fact and that is that no good can come out of disobeying Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. I repeat, record it, write it down. No good can come out of the disobedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. If you are doing something which amounts to disobedience of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, because you think that whatever else you are doing instead of that will benefit you, I stand as a witness today and before Allah that I want you. It will not benefit you, it will harm you. And Allah is my judge and Allah is your judge and Allah is my witness and Allah is your witness. The first quality that Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala mentioned here is those who walk on the earth with humility and dignity, not with arrogance, not as if they own the earth. People who remember, who are we? Listen carefully, who are we? Look at yourself in the mirror. I am so and so. My net worth is bigger than Elon Musk’s. At least imaginary, right? You can imagine that. My net worth is so much, my house costs so much, my car costs so much. I have so many degrees, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatnot, whatnot, whatnot. I asked you the question when my Sheikh asked me, and he asked the whole group of us. And I was a little kid, I must have been maybe 10 years old. So he wasn’t even talking to me, he was talking to the whole group. My Sheikh said, when you get up in the morning and you need to go to the toilet, and you think you are powerful, control that. Say I won’t go. I am powerful. I am the king of the world. I will not go. He said, that is how powerful you are. You cannot even control what is inside your own body. You cannot even control the feces in your intestines. And you think you are powerful? That’s exactly how powerful you are. If you think you are so powerful, in the morning when you get up and you got to go, that’s why the Americans say when you got to go, you got to go. Don’t go. He said, I will not go. Let’s see how powerful you are. It’s very important to understand this. Because we walk on the earth as if we own the earth. Remember that you and I and every human being who exists, exists because of one drop of semen which was exited and extorted, after which both your parents went and made usurps. Something so impure. That is our origin. Who am I? I am a drop of semen. The danger of money is human. After exiting, both parents went and made usurps. You are a big man. The danger of money is big. Something which makes the other person impure. Something which made somebody else impure. That is who I am. That is who you are. Go look at yourself in the mirror. It doesn’t matter whether you accept it or not. I am sure all of you will accept it. But whoever in the world thinks that they are anything more than one drop of semen, you are fantasizing. Allah swt said, His slaves are those who are humble, who remember their origin, who remember the fact that we are in need, that we are poor. O people, you are the poor, and Allah is the Rich and the Praiseworthy. Allah swt said, We cannot stop illness from coming to us if it comes to us. We cannot cure it if we become ill. My brothers and sisters, Allah swt said, Don’t argue with people who are poor. Allah swt said, Don’t argue with people who have no sense. Mark Twain said, Never argue with an idiot. They only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. There is no sense. Believe in the most powerful thing. And this realization came to me a bit late in life, but you know, I am the light came. The best thing in the world is, don’t answer. Don’t answer anybody. Walk away. Allah gave us two legs. Use them. Walk away. So what is your opinion? I don’t have an opinion. It is legal and halal not to have an opinion. Please understand. Doesn’t even add calories not to have an opinion. What is your opinion? I have no opinion. Go away. Don’t engage. Today how much time do we spend on social media, on Facebook, on this, on that? Replying and answering and this and this. People used to send me questions. Check. This is what so and so is saying. Let him say it. What shall I say? Just say nothing. Why should you say? Allah appointed you to answer every idiot. وَيذَا قَاتَ بَمُ الْجَهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَامَةً السلام عليكم. Allah SWT said to the Nabi Aleyhi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam وَصْبِرْنَا لَمَا يَقُولُونَ وَهْجُرْهُمْ هَجْرًا جَمِيلًا وَذَرْنِي وَالْمُكَذِّبِينَ أُولِ النَّعْمَةِ وَمَحِّلْهُمْ قَلِيلًا إِنَّا لَدَيْنَا أَنْكَالًا وَجَحِيمًا وَتَعَامَنْدَ غُسَّطٍ وَعَذَبًا أَلِيمًا Allah said be patient with them. Ya Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam be patient with what they say and keep away from them in a good way. Don’t engage with them, walk away. No need to answer them, don’t argue with them. Leave them to me. Leave them to me and I will deal with those who deny you and deny the message and those who are in possession of good things of life because Allah gave them. That is why they have all this courage to argue against the truth. If they were scratching in the dirt for food they would not have time to argue for this. They argue because Allah gave them. So Allah SWT said leave them to me. Those who are in the possession of good things, leave them for a while, we give them respite for a while and verily with us are chains to bind them and a raging fire and food that chokes and painful torment. Our brother and sister’s patience in the face of grave provocation is one of the most significant qualities of Rasulullah SAW which not only gave him the amazing reputation that he had but it was a huge asset for him in all his work. We ask Allah SWT to help us to learn from the Seerah of Muhammad SAW. I want to end with a beautiful hadith in Abu Dawud from Abu Umamah al-Bahili radiallahu anhu, he reported that Rasulullah SAW said I guarantee a house in Jannah for the one who gives up arguing even if he is right. I guarantee a house in Jannah for the one who does not argue, gives up arguing even if he is right. And I guarantee a house in the middle of Jannah for the one who abandons telling lies, who does not tell lies even for fun, even as a joke, even for the sake of fun. And I guarantee a house in the highest part of Jannah for the one who has good manners. Khosu laklak, good manners. We ask Allah SWT to help us to be among those who will be called al-irad ur-Rahman on the day when we meet him, Jallah Jalaluhu, a day in which the coming of which and the day where we will meet Allah is not in any doubt. We ask Allah to help those in the need of help. We ask Allah SWT to protect those who are in need of protection. We ask Allah SWT to help us and guide us to the path that pleases him. We ask Allah SWT to make that easy for us and to grant us and give us from his treasures which have no boundaries. We ask Allah SWT to strengthen us with his strength. We ask Allah SWT to give us kalam from his kalam and wisdom from his wisdom and hikmat from his hikmat and hilm from his hilm. We ask Allah SWT to be pleased with us and never to be displeased. Wasallallahu ala nabil kareem wa ala alihi wasabi ajmain bi rahmatika ya rahman al rahim.
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