Dua is worship

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My brothers and sisters, Allah SWT in the middle of the ayats concerning siam fasting Allah SWT revealed this beautiful ayat where Allah said, Allah said, Allah SWT is saying here that he responds to duas. The month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran. It is the month of dua. My brothers and sisters, we have the hadiths of Noman bin Bashir of the Allah ANHUWA in Sunan ABHDAWUD where Rasulullah SAW is reported to have said, Inna dua huwa li baada. Verily the dua is ibaada, it is worship. So the first thing and first and most important thing to understand about dua is that dua is worship and therefore dua cannot be made to anyone other than Allah. Without exception, no dua can be made to anybody other than Allah, first and foremost. Because like we do not make sajda to anyone other than Allah, we do not make dua to anyone other than Allah. Number one. Number two is also that when we make dua, Allah SWT rewards us for the dua. So that’s the second thing to understand. And remember that when we make dua, Allah SWT responds to us and Allah SWT responds and Allah SWT rewards us for the dua. Because Allah SWT rewards all ibaadaat, all worship. So no dua to anyone other than Allah and that just for the dua itself, no matter what. So the two proof parts. One is you are getting a reward, we are getting a reward just for making dua. And making dua, as I said, dua has to be to Allah. No man in between. And second thing is then Allah will give us what we ask for and we always ask for whatever we ask for, ask for it with afya, with blessing. With khair. Nabi SAW said don’t just ask, don’t just make the dua, ask for afya. Abbas with Abdul Butta Ali Wadi Al Anu, his uncle of the Rasul of the SAW, he told him, he asked him, he said show me and tell me a dua which is short. But which is complete. Nabi SAW said ask Allah, say inni as aluka al afya. Allah, I ask you for afya, for blessing. Afya is a blessing, it’s not really a good or adequate translation for it but that’s all I know. At least I don’t show any leadership, there’s another word. But afya is complete goodness in every respect. So when we say Allah, I ask you and I beg you for complete and total benefit of every kind. So total benefit of every kind, we ask Allah SWT for that. So this is the issue of dua. Ask for afya. And then Allah SWT will give us what you want. So we got, even if you don’t get what you want, you will still get the reward for the dua itself as ibadah. So we must keep asking Allah SWT for dua. Now in the Riyadh-ul-Saleheen, Imam al-Nabi r.a in the commentary he says, what is dua but an expression of one’s humbleness and humility and helplessness before Allah? Some of the Orama have said that dua is when you are completely broken in front of Allah SWT. You see Allah, there is no one in the world, there is no one existing who can help me except you. And that’s why when we come to Allah SWT, I come with that, with that level of humility. There’s no need to tell Allah SWT what to do. Many times we make these duas and we say, well, give me this in this way, that way and so on. And no, you ask Allah, you beg Allah, Allah, you give me. You give me, how to give me, you know. You don’t need me to suggest ways of giving me. So you give me and you give me in the best way. You give me with afya, you give me with complete salama, with complete safety, with all the beauty of this dua. You give it to me. How you give me, that is up to you. Give me without any, I ask you without any one in between, you give me without anyone in between, directly from you inshallah. This is what happened with Maryam alayhi salam. Food used to come to her directly. And then Zakaria alayhi salam came and asked her, ya Maryam, ya Maryamu andalaki hadha. What is this here? I see this food. I see these fruits, out of season fruits. Where are they from? Where did you get them from? And Maryam alayhi salam said this is from Allah SWT. Allah SWT will give and feeds whoever he wants to feed without his help. This is from Allah SWT. He said these are from Allah SWT. So ask dua with complete humility. Ask dua of Allah SWT knowing who Allah is. And ask dua in a way which shows our own reality. When we say ask with humility and helplessness, you are not acting. We are humble. We are helpless. We have no control over anything in this world. And we have no control over anything within ourselves or outside ourselves. So it is high time we accept that and stop acting arrogant before Allah SWT. So the expression of one’s weakness, inferiority and lowliness before the infinite power and might and glory of Allah SWT is in fact the essence of worshipping. For this reason, prayer has been regarded as the essence of worship. Inna ad-dua’u muho li ba’da. The Prophet said that dua is the brain, is the essence of worship. Thus prayer, dua is reserved for Allah SWT alone and it should not be addressed to anyone else in any case. Al-Khadi-i-Yad said that dua is that act of worship which alone deserves to be referred to as ibadah or worship because when one observes it, when one is making dua, one in fact shows drawing near to Allah, utter dedication to Him, jalla jalla Allah. Rejection of all that He does not like and approve. So dua comes with conditions. That is why Allah SWT said, fa liya stajee boolee wa liya ume noobee. Let him obey me and let him have faith in me. So this comes with conditions. Aisha Siddiqa reported that the Prophet liked comprehensive supplications or al-jawami. Supplications with very few words but comprehensive in meaning and he discards others. And this is in Surah Nabi Dawud. Anad bin Malik Al-Khadi Al-Anu reported that the dua most often recited by Rasulullah SAW was Allahumma aatina fit dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa kina adab anar. Now this is the same dua as in the Quran where instead of Allahumma we say Rabbana which is in the Quran and Allahumma is in the hadith. So Rabbana aatina fit dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa kina adab anar. Allahumma aatina fit dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa kina adab anar. O our Lord give us in this world that which is good, which is hasana, which is good and in the hereafter, that which is good and save us from the punishments of fire. In the narration of Muslim, and this is in Bukhari and Muslim, in Muslim it is added that whenever Anas used to make dua, he used to make the same dua that he heard from Rasulullah SAW. And it is desirable to recite this dua which is mentioned in the Quran and which comprises all and which is composed, which is comprised of all that is good both in this life and the hereafter. And Rasulullah SAW made this habit to recite this dua and the sahaba were eager to follow him. Allahumma aatina fit dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa kina adab anar. May Allah bless the Prophet and his family and the companions of the Prophet.