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Allah SWT took an oath by time. It’s a general statement which includes all human beings. And it’s a statement with emphasis. Allah is using the word inna which means verily, truly, surely. Again, I’m not sure. Inna linsana laf yukus. Illa allatheena amanoo wa amiloo salihat. Allah took an oath by time. And Allah SWT said, surely, definitely, without a doubt, all human beings, no matter where they are, no matter what race, what gender, what nationality, what color, what tribe, all humanity is in loss. They are losers. Everybody. Illa allatheena amanoo wa amiloo salihat. Except those who have Iman and who do good deeds. Right? It’s not only about Iman. It’s not only about doing good deeds. There must be a relationship between Iman and doing good deeds. Misabab al-amalus-salih huwa daliil ala al-imad. Nahnu naqul ishadu wa la ilaha illa Allah. Wama amal daliil ala al-karima taiba al-salah. Allah has said, except those who have faith and do good deeds. Not only those who have faith, not only those who do good deeds, because we have both in this world. We have people who are doing a lot of good, but they have no Iman. And we have people who have Iman, Alhamdulillah. Allah said two things. And the reason is because there is a direct connection between Iman and amal-us-salih. Between faith and good deeds. The good deed is the daliil for the faith. The good deed is the evidence that we have the faith. For example, we say, ashadu wa la ilaha illa Allah. There is no one worthy of worship except Allah. What is the daliil for this statement? Salah. So if somebody is saying ashadu wa la ilaha illa Allah, but he does not pray, then there is no daliil on the kalima. How do I say that only Allah is worthy of worship, but the time for Salah I don’t pray, then where is this statement, statement has no meaning, right? This is a key character of Islam, where Allah created this alaka, this relationship between speech and action. So it’s very simple. For example, if I say to you, you should always speak the truth. We should never tell lies. But then in some situation, I am telling lies. That what is the value of my word? Zero. You say, okay, you are saying this, we should tell, we should speak the truth, but you know, you are telling lies here. And then Allah said, wa tawasubil haqqi wa tawasubisaur. Those who make tawasubil haqqi wa tawasubisaur, those who invite towards and advise each other on the truth, for the truth, in line of the truth, in service of the truth, and those who advise each other to have patience, have perseverance, have persistence. These are not four separate things, these are all linked. So first is Iman, second is amal-us-saleh, good deeds. In the amal-us-saleh, what are the supreme good deeds? The first and foremost of it is da’awat ila al-haqq, da’awa ila al-haqq, tawasubil haqq. Da’awa ila al-haqq, tawasubil haqq. Yani ashadhu an la ilaha illa Allah, ashadhu anna Muhammad rasool Allah. To call people to Islam, this is the highest of good deeds that we can do. And that is why this is linked to sabar. Because this is the only good deed where you will need sabar. If you feed people, if you clothe people, if you give people money, if you build houses for people and so on, you don’t need sabar because you get a lot of applause and people will love you. But when you call people to eternal benefit, when you call people to eternal benefit, part of that will be you will warn people against what they are doing. When Allah SWT commanded Rasool AS and said, qom fa anzir. Allah did not say qom fa abshir. Allah did not say stand up and give bashaal. No, He said stand up and warn them. They are doing wrong, warn them. Allah did not say give them good news. No. Warn them. The moment you warn people, the moment you invite towards Allah SWT, the first thing you will get is opposition. This is standard everywhere. First thing you will get is opposition. That is where you need sabar. When you get opposition, don’t fight. If somebody is being nasty to you, don’t be nasty in return. Makes no sense. Have patience. And the best example of that is Rasool AS himself. Never retaliated on anybody. Not because he did not have courage, not because he did not want to. I mean, the number of examples of his life we show he was the most courageous of people, the bravest of people, never feared for anything. But he never retaliated on anyone who criticized him or abused him or who did anything. Never. Because that’s not what Allah is telling us to do. Allah says have sabar. Advise each other to have sabar. Tawas o bisaar. Tawas o milhaq. Tawas o bisaar. That is the relationship between these two. So I remind myself and you that it begins with our own personal Iman, which is strengthened by our own good deeds. So I have Iman and then I pray, it makes me stronger. And then I invite somebody else also towards that. Because I see the goodness of it, and I see the goodness of it, and I see the goodness of it. So I invite somebody else also towards that. Because I see the goodness of it, and like in a worldly sense, if I have a good scheme, I will first go to my friend and say, please, here is the scheme. You also participate in this, you will also make some money. So I’ve got this fantastic scheme that leads to Jannah, so please, invite my friends. And then have sabar. Because it’s the nature of the human being that when you invite them towards Allah, they always fight back. Makes no sense, but it happens. So I remind myself and you, let us focus on this. As times are going, it seems that the whole world is comprised of people who are, each one is more insane than the other one. So every day you get some news, next days, you get one news and you think, well, okay, this is the bottom, it cannot go worse than this, the next day is even worse. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, we have, the human race has seen more than this, the Muslim Ummah has seen more than this, so you don’t have to worry about it. But at the same time, we should not allow it to distract us and go away somewhere, and lose track of our own aims and goals in life. No. So keep track of this, and come back to the Quran. The purpose of the Quran is like an anchor, keeps you rooted. No wind, no storm can blow you away. You are rooted. Come back to the Quran and see what Allah is saying. Allah is saying, take istainu wa sabri wa salaah. What was of the sabr? What was of the sabr? You are inviting them to say many words. Istighama. That is why they say, That is why they say, al istighama, fawqal karama. Steadfastness is more superior to karama, to some apparently magical thing. Karama is one time. Istighama is every single day. So I remind myself when you let us, going towards the month of Ramadan, may Allah grant us Ramadan full of khair and baraka, and open the doors of our hearts to His Noor, to His glory, to His majesty, to His karshia, to the home, and to the home of our Rasulullah, and enable us to live in the way that pleases Allah, and to meet Him in a state which pleases Him. Wa sallallahu ala nabi’l kareem, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa alameen. Bi rahmatika ya arhum wa rahimina wa hamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
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