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10 days have passed. Alhamdulillah, one Ashara of Ramadan is over. Be trying to take stock and say what were my goals? How much did I achieve? Did I achieve those goals? Have I done more inshallah or have I fallen short? If I have fallen short, what do I need to do to make up? The idea is to achieve those goals and to do more inshallah. One of the ways of making up is to keep making dua, so keep asking Allah SWT for His mercy and for His help without which nothing is possible. The Prophet said whoever fasts in Ramadan, fasts Ramadan meaning the whole of the month, out of faith and in the hope of reward from Allah SWT, he will be forgiven his previous sins. The benefit of Ramadan is that inshallah we will come out of it completely free from sins. Obviously there is the condition that we must make istighfar for any major sins that were committed. The assumption being that the Muslim does not commit major sins. Please understand that this is very important for us to understand that it is not expected of us that we commit major sins. But if something happens and major sins is not just talking about zina and khatl, I am talking about telling lies and backbiting, missing a salah, all of these are major sins. So let us see, we will try to make sure that we do not commit any major sins and we constantly seek forgiveness of Allah SWT. Istighfar is something which opens the doors of mercy of Allah. Istighfar is something which removes difficulty. Istighfar is something which eases our way. So continuously make istighfar. Istighfar is the thing by which duas are accepted. So keep on continuously making istighfar and Allah SWT will accept duas. Ask Allah SWT with sincerity and take stock of what we have done for the month. As I said, 12 days, 11 days have gone, this is the 12th day. So we are in the second asharah of the month. This month flies, time flies and Ramadan flies faster than time. So let us make sure that we do not lose out. Do not put anything up, anything over for the next day. You know, the very common thing, say for example, you made the niya of reading one juz of quran every day. Now for whatever reason, one day you read only half a juz or you read only three quarters of a juz and you say, no, I will make up the next day. You will not make up. This will continue, it will accumulate, then it becomes you lose the whole juz and you lose the whole tempo of progress will be broken. Don’t do that. Make sure that you complete the juz. Even if you have to sit up all night and do it, do it. And that’s the reason why the best thing to do is to do it as soon. I have a rule. I say wake up for tahajjud, wake up one hour at least, if not more, wake up one hour before the time for fajr starts. Read one juz of tahajjud, do suhor, very, you know, small amount of food and then go for salatul fajr. So your one juz of quran is finished before salatul fajr. Even if a little bit is left, you can do it after salatul fajr. Sit in the manjus, finish it and then only come home. Do not come home until you finish that one juz. For that day, this will be inshallah good for you. May Allah bless the Prophet and his family and the people of the water with his mercy.
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