Ramadan Reminders 2025 – #19

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My brothers and sisters, Ramadan is also a beautiful opportunity for us to connect with the Quran. By reading it ourselves, by listening to it in Tarawih, and Alhamdulillah, if Allah has blessed you with an Imam who recites well, then this is a huge blessing. If you are in many Majeed committee where, you know, place where Imams are forced to recite fast, please have mercy on yourself. Do not incur the wrath of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. If you are forcing the Imam to recite fast and that poor guy because you pay his salary, he is obeying you instead of obeying Allah, where Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says, Allah said, do not move your tongue fast in a hurry. Now this ayat came in surah al-qayamah for Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, who used to, who was trying at that time to try to recite fast, not for Tarawih or something, but to memorize. And Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala said, no, take it, be peaceful. Allah said, I will make this Quran firm in your heart. But the order of not moving your tongue fast and not reciting fast applies to everyone. And the condition of recitation of the Quran is to follow the usur of Tajweed, to make sure that the pronunciation of the Quran is according to the rules of Tajweed, and that the Quran is not distorted because it is being recited too fast. Now if you ever understand this very clearly, if you are the reason why the Imam is distorting the recitation of the Quran, the sin is on you. He is doing it because the poor man needs a salary and you are the guy sitting there with the purse strings and you are trying to ride like a, like a, like, you know, riding horse, you’ve got the reins, while he has a bit in his mouth, this is haram. And you will answer to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, remember that, fear the punishment of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Tarawih is not for, Tarawih is nafil. If you cannot stand behind the Imam for the full period, sit down. If you cannot sit down, if you need to leave, leave. But leave with a sense of regret that I wish I could have stayed. Right, thank Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for the opportunity of listening to his kalam. Leave with a sense of regrets and say, I wish I could have stayed. Don’t try to force the Imam to read fast and so on and so forth. I see this so often in so many places. This is something which is reprehensible, it is despicable, it is terrible. It is not in keeping with the akhlaq of a muslim. Right, I hope I’m making myself very clear. So do not do this. And I’ve seen this with so-called people of power who just because you give some donations, you think that you own the masjid, though masjid is the house of Allah. Your donation does not make you a part owner with Allah. You are giving a donation for yourself so that your khabar will not be full of fire. So make sure that you do not do things which will negate all the good that you do. Do not force the Imam. Make that Ramadan, make the period of Ramadan a time where you fall in love with the Quran, where you learn to connect with the Quran. Stand there remembering and understanding that this is Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala speaking. And Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is speaking to me through this Imam. And make dua for the Imam and say Allah make the Quran firm in the Imam’s heart. Make him somebody who lives by the Quran. If the Imam resides fast, tell him to slow down, tell him do not distort the tajweed of the Quran. Read according to the tajweed. And educate the people with you. Educate the musaleen. If somebody else is trying to hurry, say no. This is the kalam of Allah. It will be read and recited the way it is supposed to be recited. If you are in a hurry, no problem. Please, even if you pray nothing at all, even if you do not pray tarabi, there is no sin on you. But if you force the Imam to read fast for your convenience, there is a major major sin on you. Please do not destroy yourself in Ramadan. Make it a means of saving yourself from the fire, not falling in the fire.