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My brothers and sisters, we are on the subject of Dua as I mentioned to you two days ago. Allah said, when my slave asks about me, O Muhammad Rasulullah, I am near to him and let him ask me and I will listen to him, I will give him and tell him to be obedient to me and to have faith in me and he or she will be rightly guided. So we ask Allah SWT for this inshallah. The issue of Dua, Alabaaz bin Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of Rasulullah SAW, he one day said to him, he said, please teach me a Dua and don’t teach me a long Dua, big Dua because I have difficulty remembering and so on, but teach me something short which is powerful, which Allah SWT will grant me. And the Prophet SAW said, say ask Allah, O Allah, I ask you for Al-Aafiyah. Now you see in this hadith which I mentioned to you yesterday, the hadith of Ibn Umar RA, he said, He said that Allah SWT, وما سُولَ اللهُ شيئًا يعني أحبَّ إليه من أن يُؤسَلَ العافيه He said there is nothing more beloved to Allah SWT than being asked for Al-Aafiyah. Now Al-Aafiyah is something which is which is khayr, which is salamah, which is protection, which is safety, which is beauty, which is all kinds of goodness in something. So for example, people say I want to have children, O Allah give me children. No, don’t say that. Say, O Allah give me children with Al-Aafiyah because I know people who have children who are who cry tears. Parents are weeping when they think about their children because their children cause them so much pain and suffering. We ask Allah SWT give me money. No, money with Al-Aafiyah because money is one thing, suqqun is something else. Everything with Al-Aafiyah, right? Whatever Allah SWT has a local Al-Aafiyah. So in dua be very very it’s very important to ask for Al-Aafiyah. That is the reason why Allah SWT taught us this dua. So asking for goodness, asking for Al-Aafiyah. Not not in the asaduka, al-mal, al-banur, zina tul hayati duniya, al-sulta, al-jais, kaza wa kaza. No, Allah is not saying give me wealth and money and children and authority and armies and kind of. No, He said Al-Aafiyah, give me hasana, give me good things in the duniya and give me good things in the akhirah. Make this, Ramadan is the time for dua. Make the most of it. Make sure that you make lots and lots and lots of dua. Make dua for yourself, for your parents, for your children, for your siblings, for the whole of the ummah of Muhammad SAW which really desperately needs dua. And I ask each and every one of you who is watching this series, who knows me, please make dua for me and my wife. That we have a life where Allah is pleased with us and then we have an ending which is on Islam bil khatima, bil khair, with la ilaha illa Allah on our tongues in sajda, in sujood, in tahajjud insha Allah. And this is my request to all my brothers and sisters who are listening to this.
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