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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Alhamdulillah. Arabic See the attitude of the Sahaba whenever some things were told to them. When the Sahaba were told of the last signs of the last days and the Holy Prophet said that the period of time will lengthen and an hour will become as long as a day and the day will become as long as a week and the week will become as long as a year and so on. The Sahaba did not say well you know how is that going to happen? What will happen to the rotation of the earth? Is it happening because of that? They asked the question. They said, Ya Rasulullah, how will we pray during this time? If a day is as long as a week or a month or a year whatever, how are we going to pray the five sarawat during this period of time? So there is complete yakin in what the Holy Prophet said and they were focused constantly on how can we maximize the benefit of that or if it was a dangerous thing how can we avoid that danger? Similarly in Laylatul Khazr when Aisha Cindy Khairul Zailana heard about Laylatul Khazr and about the benefit of Laylatul Khazr, she asked Rasulullah a beautiful question. She said, Ya Rasulullah, if I should find Laylatul Khazr, meaning if I am searching for Laylatul Khazr in the last ten nights and I am on that night, it’s not that she will know specifically that that is the night, but meaning one of those nights is the night. So she said, if I find Laylatul Khazr, what draw should I make? What should I ask Allah SWT on this night? And he taught her this dua which all of us know, Alhamdulillah if you don’t memorize it and make this dua, Rasulullah SAW said, Aisha, ask Allah and say, Allahumma innika afoon tuhibbul afoo fa afu annee Allahumma innika afoon tuhibbul afoo fa afu annee Allah, truly you are the forgiver. You love to forgive, so forgive me. See the beautiful dua, it’s not saying I deserve to be forgiven, no, it’s saying you like to forgive, so forgive me. It will benefit me because I will be forgiven. Ya Allah, you love to forgive, you are the great forgiver. innika afoon tuhibbul afoo fa afu annee Now many times you hear this dua, people say, Allahumma innika afoon kareeb tuhibbul afoo fa afu annee See the issue is, the best way of doing something is the exact way in which Rasulullah SAW taught us to do it. It’s not haram if somebody says innika afoon kareeb, Alhamdulillah it’s a good, you know, he is glorifying Allah SWT. But there is no one who glorified Allah more than Rasulullah SAW. So if he said something and he did not add the word kareeb, don’t add the word kareeb. If somebody adds it, leave it, doesn’t matter, nothing to argue about. But make sure that when we follow the Sunnah, we follow the Sunnah exactly as Rasulullah SAW taught us to follow. So Allahumma innika afoon tuhibbul afoo fa afu annee Wallah, you are the great forgiver. So you love to forgive, so forgive me. And we as sisters ask a lot of forgiveness because we know that when a person makes tauba, it’s the part Allah SWT accepts it. And Allah SWT converts their evil deeds into good deeds. So this is a hugely beneficial thing. Then Allah SWT helps the one who is seeking forgiveness. Allah SWT does not send azaab until, Allah SWT does not send azaab until or as long as there are people who are seeking forgiveness. And Allah SWT does not, Allah helps the person who is seeking forgiveness out of difficulties. Allah SWT solves his problems for you. So forgiveness is a wonderful thing to seek and we, swa Allah, we need it more than anybody else. So continuously seek forgiveness, especially in nairatul qadr. And make sure that you make istighfar and tauba because tauba is very important. You seek forgiveness and it changes your life. It’s not that we seek forgiveness and then continue in our old, you know, evil ways. No, you seek forgiveness and then you get out of it. Get out of that bad habit.
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