Signs of hypocrisy

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The reason why we should study the jihadis is because if you look at the punishments that Allah SWT prescribed, the azab, the punishments that He prescribed for the Manafiqin are even more than that on the mushrikhi and the kufr. If you see the ayat of Surah Tawbah by Allah SWT, it said even if you ask for forgiveness or eenamarra, seventy times Allah will not forgive them. That ayat came for? To Barakha. It came at the time when Uwais bin Salool, who was the father of Abdullah bin Uwais bin Salool, was a good sahabi, but Uwais bin Salool was the head of the Manafiqoon. So when Uwais bin Salool died, his son Abdullah came to the Prophet and he asked him for his gawad. He said, please give me that. I want to bury my father in it because I know what my father is. I hope Allah will have mercy on him because he is buried in your gawad. So the Prophet took off his shirt and gave it to him. Then Abdullah bin Uwais came and said, will you do sarathro janatha on my father? See the rahma of the Prophet, what kind of heart he had. Today when you talk about forgiving each other, you are back and forth. But see, think about this. Nobody caused him as much pain and as much suffering as Uwais bin Salool caused him in Madinah, including the Shahadah of the sahabah in Uhud. To a great extent, Uwais bin Salool was the reason because he took his people away. They all left Madinah to go to Uhud and halfway he took three, four hundred people of his people and he returned. So the Muslims were weakened. So you can say that one of the reasons, Allah SWT adores Allah, but one of the reasons why this calamity happened was because the Muslims were weak. And he caused him endless suffering despite that when his son Abdullah requested him, Aswad went and he performed salatul janatha on Uwais bin Salool. Say then, Omar had always been very particular about being, you know, everything that he was done. He literally stood in front and said, Ya Rasulullah, please don’t do this. This man has caused you so much suffering. Why do you want to pray salatul janatha on him? Uwais said, move. He said, move. I will pray. And he prayed salatul janatha on him. I imagine this man is buried in the garment of Uwais. The salatul janatha, which is the dua-e-maffarat is done by the Rasul A.S. himself. Despite that, Allah SWT revealed Quran and Allah SWT said, even if you ask forgiveness for him 70 times, Allah will not forgive him. And then Allah SWT said, la taqoom ala qabri. Do not stand on their graves. Meaning do not do salatul janatha on him. No, forever. Never pray on these. That is why Rasul A.S. was given the names of the munafiqoon who he had confided this in Hudayfa bin Yaman Rudh Al Anu and Sayyidina Umar Rudh Al Anu constantly used to consult with Hudayfa Rudh Al Anu. And when somebody died, he would see if Hudayfa was in that, with the jama, then he would pray salatul janatha otherwise he would not pray. Now, you might say, these are people who at least they said they are Muslim, they said la ilaha illallah, they stood behind Rasul A.S. in Salat, they prayed behind Rasul A.S. and many of them were very particular. The thing is, the sincere person may not be so particular, but the one who is playing a game, he is very particular, he doesn’t want to be caught. So even if a sincere person is not there, this man will be there. That doesn’t tell. Because Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala looks at the kalu, at the kalu and if the kalb has nifak, if the kalb has lies in it, then this punishment is extremely severe. So Rasul A.S. mentioned three signs, he said, when he speaks, he lies, when he makes a promise, he breaks it, and when he is trusted, if he is trusted, he betrays the trust. As I was mentioning to you, look at it from, because these are general statements, they are not, Nabi Sahaja was not, here he is not saying, if he tells big lies or serious lies, it is lies. So whether it is small or big, it applies to everything. Similarly, when he makes a promise, what promise? Any promise. Doesn’t have to be a promise of some great, particular great matter, no, any promise. One of the simplest things is keeping to a time, keeping to a schedule. I will do it by this time, you are saying I will do it by this time? If you can’t do it, then it is up to you to call the person and say, look, I’m sorry, I promised to do it, I could not do it. But you promised to do it, you don’t do it, you disappear, you never come back, somebody has to chase you. This is a breaking of promise. And betraying trust, you know, one of the most common things, common ways in which we betray trust, is somebody tells you something confidentially and you go and tell somebody else. This person tells you in confidence, I’m telling you this is only between me and you, of course. And next thing you know, this thing is all over town because you have told this person, that person, that person. Even though you promised confidentially not to do it. Of course, the solution, alas, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is very kind, so the solution is there, the solution is, istighfar and tawwar. So even if we did something, let us make istighfar, let us make tawwar and say, inshallah I will not do it again. Whatever happened happened one time, it is not going to happen again. Right? So let us be clear in our minds and make sure that we don’t repeat. In the next studies, also in the day of Sala’i, Abdullah Munai, in a, even Amr Ibn al-Az, Sardiyya Al-Anwar, he said that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, there are four qualities which when found in a person, make him a complete hypocrite. Four qualities. And one who possesses one of them, possesses one characteristic of hypocrisy until he abandons. So these four, again very similar, he says when he is entrusted with something, he betrays the trust. He is given a trust, he breaks it. When he speaks, he lies. When he promises, he breaks the promise. And when he argues, he behaves in a very insulting manner. Right? So the argument is not an argument about an issue. Please understand, in Islam, there is no problem about having a difference of opinion. No problem. Alhamdulillah. You can have a difference of opinion about religious things, legal things, social things, political, anything. To have a difference of opinion, two people have two different opinions. Alhamdulillah. This is nothing wrong with this. The question is how do you deal with that? Do you deal with that respectfully, talking about the difference? And maybe it’s a difference of opinion where you cannot come to a conclusion, you cannot come to an agreement. No problem. Alhamdulillah. This is my opinion, that’s your opinion. We have a difference of opinion. No problem. I have not convinced you, you have not convinced me. No problem. Alhamdulillah. We are still friends, we are still brothers. We still eat together, we still go to each other’s houses, we still accept invitations, we still pray together, we still make dua for each other. Alhamdulillah. But we have a difference of opinion. But to have a difference of opinion and argue and then start, you know, you start cursing and swearing and this is horrible. This is a sign of hypocrisy, a sign of nifakh. So if somebody is doing that, if you are doing that, please, never do that. Don’t lower yourself to the level, you know, like dogs barking or something, all bad language and bad words. This is the sign of hypocrisy. By all means, have a difference of opinion, no problem. But don’t reduce it to a level where you start abusing people, abusing each other. Maintain decorum, maintain dignity, maintain the adab, maintain the lihas for each other and have a difference. So same four things. And Nabi Sahaja Saheb said, the one who has all four, which is he tells lies, breaks promises, and betrays trust and curses and so on, this one is a complete hypocrite, totally hypocrite. But the one who has one and not the other, he is a hypocrite to that extent, 25% but 2% and so on. We ask Allah swt to completely and totally free us from these things, and to save us from them. And as I said, Alhamdulillah, even if you look at yourself and say, you know, I did this and this time I should not have. Alhamdulillah, make istighfar, the door of taubah and istighfar is open, make istighfar, Allah swt promised to forgive. No problem. But do that. Let us make istighfar, let us make sure that we don’t carry this forward. Whatever happened, happened. If it is bad, it can be high, it can be bad. We are human beings, we make mistakes. So we make istighfar, we ask Allah to forgive us. If we have hurt somebody, then it’s also necessary to apologize to that person. You can’t just make istighfar and walk away, go to that person and say, I’m sorry my brother. If he doesn’t forgive you, then it’s on him. He might say, I don’t care, I don’t forgive. No, then it’s up to you. But you go and you say, I’m extremely sorry, I did this, I apologize. Please forgive me. Ask Allah to forgive, inshallah Allah swt will forgive. We ask Allah swt to forgive us, we ask Allah swt to protect us from shaitan, from our nafs. We ask Allah swt to enable us to benefit from all the good that comes with us. We ask Allah swt to protect us from all the evil, especially the naasiyyat, especially the disobeying of Allah swt. We ask Allah swt to protect us from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shaitan, from shait