Success is inevitable…if….

Allahﷻ sent us Islam to make us successful in this life and the Hereafter. In this and subsequent lectures, I want to share with you some key lessons for us to follow to become successful. It is only at the finish line that you know who won the race. Not before. This life is a… Continue reading Success is inevitable…if….

Grow your investments

As you are aware we have started our After School program and have received a wonderful response. That shows that you are concerned about your children. This is an excellent thing, given that our children are our investments in this life and the Aakhira. Therefore, let me speak to you about some essentials to raising… Continue reading Grow your investments

The Connection

The message of Islam is to remind all mankind that we have a Rabb to whom we are directly connected without the need for any intermediaries, agents, intercessors, or facilitators. When we speak, He hears us. When we ask, He gives us. He created us, sustains us, protects us, tests us, helps us, rewards us,… Continue reading The Connection

Change your glasses

In my Halaqa last week someone challenged me about the prohibition of interest-based finance and said, “There is no alternative, so what can we do? Without interest-based finance Muslims can never have a big business or industry.” I asked him, “No alternative to what? No alternative to making money, buying a house or whatever? Or… Continue reading Change your glasses