Hardship and Relief

We are living through difficult times. Some of us are directly in difficulty. Others are watching difficult things happen to those they love. To truly understand hardship and relief, we must understand the source of both and that is Allahﷻ. Who is Allahﷻ and what does He want for us? Nobody can introduce Allahﷻ better… Continue reading Hardship and Relief

The Chains in the Mind

Living is about making choices- the choice to be a ‘victim’ of circumstances or to do something about circumstances and be their ‘master’. We are free to choose – to be ‘victims’ or ‘masters’ – but the choices have different payoffs. Both stances are subject to the same givens of society, environment, organization etc. But… Continue reading The Chains in the Mind

Message of Muhammadﷺ

When you study the Seerah, ask yourself what the fundamental nature of the message of Rasoolullahﷺ was, which resulted in such overwhelming opposition to begin with and then total transformation of society. In my study of the Seerah, and I have written two books on this, the reason for the extent and severity of opposition… Continue reading Message of Muhammadﷺ

Zabiha Halal

Zabiha Halal, what’s that? Zabiha is the process by which the meat of an animal or bird which is permissible to eat, becomes Halal. “Non-Zabiha Halal” is an oxymoronic term. There’s no such thing. If it is not Zabiha it is dead meat and it is Haraam. Zabiha happens when I Muslim slaughters an animal… Continue reading Zabiha Halal

Investment – not ‘Charity’

Charity is a zero-sum game because we see charity as giving. All giving is to lose something. When you give, you are saying that you didn’t receive anything in return. That is why if you give $1000 in charity, you say, “I gave $1000.” But when you buy Tesla shares for $1000 you don’t say,… Continue reading Investment – not ‘Charity’