Family – Tools – Taqwa to change your perspective on life

Narrated Abu Hurairah narrated that Rasoolullahﷺ  said, “Allah says, ‘I have nothing to give but Jannah as a reward to my believer slave, who, if I cause his dear friend (or relative) to die, remains patient (and hopes for Allah’s Reward).” Sahih Bukhari:Volume 8, Book 76, Number 432

Be present

Being Present….some thoughts of my friend Nasim Chowdhury: Imaam Al-Himsi, the Imaam of Hims for 60 years, was asked about the reason that he never forgot anything in his prayer, and he said: “I never entered the door of a mosque while there was anyone but Allaah on my mind.”<<< And it made me think… Continue reading Be present

Monitor the effect of Ibaadah – Salah

Article mentioned in the reminder: