What did I get out of it

— *This transcript was automatically generated by AI and may contain errors. * — My brothers and sisters, how many of you like to have fun? Everybody ready? What is fun? Can you define what is fun? Good time? Okay, what else? So give me some examples. Example of fun or fun activity. Basketball. Basketball.… Continue reading What did I get out of it

See the reality

—*This transcript was automatically generated by AI and may contain errors. *— Bismillah, Wa Alhamdulillah, Wasalatu wasalamu Alaa Sharifil Anbiyaa Muhammadun Rasulullahi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Alaa Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Sallam, Tasleeman Kaseeran Kaseeraa My brothers and sisters, look at the view here. Look at my view of Metinu Park in this forest. Look at… Continue reading See the reality

Goals of learning – #3

—*This transcript was automatically generated by AI and may contain errors. *— In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. And peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophets and the righteous. Muhammad Rasulullah, peace be upon him, peace be upon him,… Continue reading Goals of learning – #3

Goals of learning – #2

Books mentioned in the reminder: —Auto generated transcript— The seerah of Rasulullah S.A.S. is the tafsir of the Quran And this is not my opinion This is what our mother Sayyidina Aisha Siddiqua R.A. told us about this She said that They asked her Can you tell us something about the life of Rasulullah A.S.… Continue reading Goals of learning – #2

Goals of learning – #1

My brothers and sisters words are always original. I always thank Allah SWT a great deal for the fact that there is a lot of interest, especially among the younger generation, among the youth in Islam. And that is something which I hugely appreciate and I thank Allah for. There was a time when this… Continue reading Goals of learning – #1

Pursuit of happiness

Auto-generated transcript: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alameen. Wasalaatuhu wa Salamu ala ashrafil anbiya’i wa al mursaleen. Muhammadun Rasulullah, yaksumlullah alayhi wa ala alihi wa ala alihi wa sallam, tasliman kathirun qirdra. Wa ma ba’du. My brothers and sisters, let me ask you a question. I was looking for our gardeners who are very fond… Continue reading Pursuit of happiness

Zabiha Halal

Zabiha Halal, what’s that? Zabiha is the process by which the meat of an animal or bird which is permissible to eat, becomes Halal. “Non-Zabiha Halal” is an oxymoronic term. There’s no such thing. If it is not Zabiha it is dead meat and it is Haraam. Zabiha happens when I Muslim slaughters an animal… Continue reading Zabiha Halal