Feel Allahﷻ in our hearts

We just finished Ramadan which Allahﷻ sent us to make us Muttaqoon. I remind myself and you that all the promises of Allahﷻ are for Muttaqoon. So, it is worth the effort to become a Muttaqi and benefit. In Ramadan we reminded ourselves that we are Muslim. That we have submitted our will to the… Continue reading Feel Allahﷻ in our hearts

Costly Grace

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Protestant Minister at the time of Hitler who opposed him and paid with his life. In his essay, ‘Costly Grace’ he says that Divine Grace (Fadhl of Allahﷻ) is something that we must pay for. We take it for granted, we feel we are entitled to it, we don’t even stop… Continue reading Costly Grace

Muslim is a verb

My brothers and sisters I want to remind myself and you that the meaning of being Muslim is to submit to Allahﷻ without question, without argument, without reservation or hesitation. To submit joyfully and eagerly. That is the symbol of our trust in Him. And that trust is what earns His pleasure and His help.… Continue reading Muslim is a verb

Sacrifice or Investment

We just finished Ramadan where Allahﷻ gave us the opportunity to start over again, make our lives Shari’ah compliant and achieve closeness to Allahﷻ. In life, all human beings have only two Dharooriaat. Dharoori is something the absence of which will lead to death. The two Dharooriaat are not food or water or even air.… Continue reading Sacrifice or Investment